Sagymbai Kozybayev was born on July 15, 1944 in the village of Zhanaturmys, Mendykarinsky district, Kostanay region, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1988), professor (1989). Academician of the Academy of Political Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997). Graduated from Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) State University (1970). In the state television and radio system of Kazakhstan he worked as a junior editor, deputy editor-in-chief, own correspondent of the All-Union Radio in Kazakhstan (1970-74), senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean, Dean of KazGU (Kaznu) (1974-81); since 1981, head of the department. Since 2001, the President of the Kazakhstan Academy of Journalism. He defended his dissertation on the topic: "Party leadership of mass media: history, experience, problems, prospects". Author of more than 350 scientific publications, 19 monographs.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Высшее |
1970 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
14/07/1989 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
31/05/1990 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Серебряная медаль"Ал-Фараби атындағы КазҰУ-га сіңірген ерен еңбегі үшін " | 06/10/2009 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Почетный знак "Казакстанның құрметті журналисі" | 01/09/2010 |
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2006 году | 08/01/2007 |
Юбилейная медаль "Қазақстан Конституциясына 10 жыл" | 30/08/2005 |
Почетная грамота Республики Казахстан | 01/01/2005 |
Почетная грамота Президента Республики Казахстан | 01/01/2004 |
Золотая медаль Академии журналистики Казахстана | 01/01/2002 |
Знак "За заслуги в развитии науки Республики Казахстан" | 01/01/2001 |
Медаль "Ветеран труда" | 01/01/1989 |